4 Ways to Up Your Marketing Game

Biz Info

4 Ways to Up Your Marketing Game

By Admin 2 years ago Biz Info

There’s absolutely no doubt that small businesses like yours bring significant value to our communities, and we want to help your business thrive. Here are four tips to help you better market your business.

1.     Know your audience:

One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is thinking everyone is a buyer. Larger companies may appeal to a broader market, but that is not the case for most small businesses. Develop a niche that will appeal to buyers within that niche. To do this, you will have to understand their triggering events and priorities. Find out what is pushes them to make a purchasing decision. Knowing these details will make your business and products more appealing to your target market.


2.     Do it again:

There are so many trends circulating on social media these days, and it can get a little overwhelming. It’s a great idea to experiment with a few trends and different ways of doing things. Just be sure to pay extra attention to the data from your experiments and repeat whatever is getting you the most attention and bringing in the most revenue.


3.     Offer coupons:

Place a coupon in your marketing emails. Your audience will love the “gift,” and after they have used the coupon, they are more likely to purchase more from your business in the future at full price.


4.     Consider co-marketing:

Suppose another small business in your area is not a direct competitor and offers products and services to a similar audience you are targeting. You might want to consider working with that business to market yours. Promote each other on social media, email, or in your blogs. This strategy will give your partnering company added promotion, and it will also allow their fanbase to learn more about you.

We are here for you, and we look forward to seeing more from your business.


The DFW Network Chamber


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